Before the occultation, I made a quick stop at the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix, which I had seen on a previous occasion. After observing the Pluto occultation I went to see Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon. On the way there, I made a stop to see Montezumas Castle - a five story dwelling byuilt by the Sinagua early in the 12th century, and Montezuma Well - a limestone sinkhole ithat is fed by a spring year round creating a lake in the middle of the Arizona desert . The Sinagua built irrigation canals from this lake to water their crops.
Next on the itinerary was Lowell Observatory where Clyde Tombough discovered the planet Pluto. Finally, there was a drive along historic Route 66, before turning north toward the rim of the canyon, from which it is a ten mile hike to the water falls.
Most of these pictures were taken with a Canon SD550 digital camera. If you can suggest better captions, or would like the full resolution versions of these pictures (they are ten times the size of the bigger pictures I put here) send me email.
Click on any thumbnail below to see a bigger version. You will need a window that is at least 800x800 pixels to see the bigger version and captions without scrolling. Once you've brought up the first picture, you can either press the back button to get back to this thumbnails page, or you can use the left/right arrows at the top of every page to sequentially view the rest of the pictures in full screen format. The up arrow will return you to this page.
Seguaro |
Montezuma Castlein Tuzigoot National Monument |
Descriptive plaque |