This Summer Biathlon was organized by Allen Takahashi. The race took place in the San Francisco Bay Area not far from the San Francisco airport. The weather was gorgeous - no wind, temperatures in the low eighties, clear and dry. Forty biathletes ran the course, and many stayed for the post race food and awards ceremony. The results are posted here.
Thanks to Mike Norton and the RSOs of the Coyote Point Rifle and Pistol Range for doing so much of the coaching and range set-up, all of you who stayed to help clean up, to the Barretts, who handled race registration and data entry, Dave Barrett for taking care of the rifles after the race, Joe, Mike, and ? who helped with race timing, Dave Evans for data entry, those who helped with the many chores that I've forgotten to mention, and a special thanks to Wally and Liese Rapozo for putting in so much volunteer time every step of the way! The race would not have come off without all of your help and participation. And a thanks to our sponsors - Marlin Rifles, and Federal Ammunition.
The following pictures were taken with a Nikon digital camera. Your computer monitor color depth needs to be set to thousands for the colors to be even close. This page will take 2-3 minutes to load at 14.4 K baud. Click on a picture to see the full-sized version of any thumbnail. By the way, if you run Internet Explorer on Windows 3.1, I've had some problems with pictures not coming up properly.
I apologize it's taken so long to get these pictures up - I've had with my computer, heavy travel commitments, and then major problems with my ISP. My mail has been down for over a month, and I had to rebuild this site on a new ISP.