Range Safety Page
This page created 05 November 98 - Updated Nov 00
The following are range safety rules that should be observed at all events. They will be covered at the mandatory rifle clinics prior to each race. They are all pretty much "common sense" rules.
- Always follow the instructions of the designated shooting range official
- While on the range, only WALKING is allowed*.
- Rifle bolt is always left open when you are not actually shooting in Summer Biathlon.
- You will get into position before the range official hands you the rifle and magazine; you will hand the rifle back to the range official before leaving the shooting station.*
- Barrel of the rifle is always pointed in a safe direction - e.g. down range
- Do not load a magazine (clip) until you are in position
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are in position, pointed at a target, and ready to shoot
- You will immediately stop shooting, open your bolt, and step back from the firing line if anyone calls out "Cease fire". Anyone who sees an unsafe condition should immediately call a "Cease fire".
- Never cross the shooting line unless a cease fire has been declared and the range safety official has given the go-ahead
- If a rifle jams or misfires, keep the rifle pointed down range and call a range official. NEVER look down the barrel to investigate a misfire.
- Do not shoot if you can't see the targets
- Keep the muzzle of the rifle out of the dirt (snow) - foreign matter in the barrel can cause a rupture.
If you are shooting your own rifle all of the above applies, and in addition:
- Always make sure your rifle and magazines are empty after the race.
- Don't use high velocity ammunition - the summer biathlon targets in common use won't hold up.
- For Winter Biathlon if you are skiing with your rifle, you may keep the bolt closed while skiing (to keep snow from entering the mechanism). However, not having the bolt open at any other time is an automatic disqualification.
* There is an exception to this rule for certain classes of competitors.
E-mail me at: allenbt@biathlon.net and tell me what you think of this page
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